Development Progress Report
Happy Friday everyone, let’s catch up!
Sim Update 10 has released, the performance improvements have been incredible, our H135 and H145 did not require patches for compatibility and our team would like to give a HUGE round of applause to Asobo for a job well done!
Looking towards the future, we’re happy to report that builds of the Offshore and Coast Guard H145 variants have been delivered to our small group of testers - mostly real world H145 pilots, personnel and enthusiasts. As always, we incorporate their feedback into development to improve the H145 builds before public release.
We aren’t ready to talk dates yet for public release, but we don’t see many obstacles in the way and most of our work currently is on polish and refining the mission content to be engaging. There’s a few new tricks coming we know people will be excited for. Keep an eye on Aerosoft’s Offshore Industries: North-Western Europe project

Lastly I leave you with our latest statement on the H145 and what to expect in relation to Asobo’s own upcoming helicopter update.
Asobo is bringing their helicopter physics in November, and we will dissect it and the updated SDK to look for ways where possible to improve the H145’s flight model. We don’t consider our flight model finished, but I think we all can agree, even, that we’ve come incredibly far since the days of our H135 and we’re only getting better every day. Asobo has shown good environmental airflow, so we are all optimistic for the future.
Speaking of the future, we love the aircraft recommendations the community gives us on the wishlist channel on our Discord server and a lot of you will be very happy with one of the MULTIPLE projects RELEASING from our team within the next year.
Stay connected for more news, as always thank you for your support and take care of yourselves and your loved ones!

PS - Pops738 is one of the most amazing photos takers in the entire flight sim community! Thanks for this shot